Finally I had some time to assemble some parts!
I was very happy the previous owner already mounted the E34 oil pickup tube! I only had to adjust the plate next to it as the m52 plate has a little raised edge on the third raise. After that I mounted the new gasket and sealed the sump with sealing compound.
Then I decided to test fit the inlet manifold, I wanted to know how to mount it and if I had all the parts for it.
The original m52 dip stick has a little connector on the side to connect to the CCV valve (Crack Case Ventilation valve) but the m50 dip stick hasn’t. And the dipstick now comes on the front of the engine in stead of the rear (not shown on the photos). So I need to find another way to connect that little garden hose. I might want to make some catch tank for the oil fumes…